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    Anthony Herndon over 3 years ago

    Dear Committee Members,

    I fully support the nomination of Andrew Martin to the position of Prosecuting Attorney for Maui County.

    I am currently a deputy prosecuting attorney for the County of Maui. I have known Andy for over thirteen years. I first met Andy after my first year of law school in the summer of 2007, when I worked as a summer law clerk for the Department of the Prosecuting Attorney, County of Maui, and he was a deputy prosecuting attorney. After meeting Andy, I was struck by his obvious intelligence, thoughtfulness, and kindness. Those are some of the qualities that make a great leader, and Andy has displayed those qualities for the entire thirteen years I have known him.

    During my time working as a deputy prosecuting attorney, I have consulted with Andy on many legal issues. Andy always makes time to share his legal knowledge and experience to help me determine the best course of action. I have also observed that Andy has the skill and sensitivity to effectively respond to nearly any issue, legal or otherwise, which is a quality sorely needed in the leadership role of Prosecuting Attorney for Maui County.

    I have every confidence in Andy to do the right thing no matter what situation presents itself, whether it be in a legal, ethical, or personal context. I have no doubt in Andy’s ability and willingness to do the same as Prosecuting Attorney for Maui County, and I ask the committee to affirm his nomination.

    Anthony Herndon
    Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
    County of Maui

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    Debora Loque over 3 years ago

    Michael Molina,
    Committee Chairman
    Government Relations, Ethics and Transparency Committee

    Re: Confirmation of Andrew H. Martin as Prosecuting Attorney

    Mr. Molina and Committee Members:

    This letter is written to inform you of my full support of Andrew H. Martin as the Prosecutor for the County of Maui.

    When I worked as a Judicial Assistant at the Second Circuit Court from 2005-2017, it was my pleasure to work with the legal community to help with the administration of justice in the County of Maui. Andrew Martin was one of the easiest, most respected attorneys that I had the honor to work with. He always conducted himself in a professional manner as both a Prosecutor and Private Counsel, and treated everyone with respect.

    In 2017, I joined the Prosecutor’s office and am presenting a Law Tech II in the Circuit Court division. I have the honor to work with Andy on a daily basis and find him to be very easy to work with. As supervisor, his door is always open, and he is always willing to assist with whatever needs to be addressed. I appreciate that he checks with the secretarial staff on a daily basis.

    I believe the County of Maui, especially the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney will be fortunate to have such a highly qualified litigator and professional individual to be the Prosecutor for our County.

    With much respect, I ask you to please confirm the nomination of Andrew H. Martin as Prosecutor for our County.

    Respectfully yours,

    /s/ Debora A. Loque
    Law Tech II

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    Ana MalafuEliesa over 3 years ago

    Honorable Members of the Committee,

    I am honored to express my complete and enthusiastic support for the nomination of Andrew Martin to the position of Prosecuting Attorney for Maui County.

    Andrew Martin has integrity, is caring, kind, humble, and is compassionate in the fullest sense of the word. He is a loving husband, father, brother and friend. He has the skillset, the leadership and the foundation to lead the Maui Prosecuting Attorney Department.

    I have known Andy for over 10 years and had the privilege of working alongside Andy for more than 5 years as the Victim Witness Director at the Maui Prosecutors. I can personally attest to his tireless efforts on behalf of victims. Being a victim of a crime can be a very difficult and stressful experience. One of the most significant rights for crime victims is the right to be heard during critical criminal justice proceedings that affect their interests. When a crime victim is allowed to speak at the sentencing hearing, or to submit a victim impact statement regarding the impact of the offense on the victim and the victim’s family, there is an acknowledgment by the criminal justice system of the personal nature of the crime and of the harm suffered. From the first case to the last case I assisted Andy with, this has always been his priority, the voice of the victim! He's always been very transparent with his victims and their families. Under his leadership, I am confident that victims will continue to be heard and treated with respect and dignity.

    Andy can always be relied upon and trusted to do the right thing. He has touched so many people in a profound, meaningful, and lasting way. The members of the Prosecuting Attorney’s office and the citizens of Maui County would benefit immensely from Andrew’s leadership.

    Please confirm the appointment of Andy Martin as Prosecuting Attorney.


    Ana Malafu-Eliesa
    Victim Witness Administrator
    Clark County District Attorney's Office

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    Brandon Segal over 3 years ago

    Honorable Members of the Committee,

    I want to express my complete and enthusiastic support for the nomination of Andrew Martin to the position of Prosecuting Attorney for Maui County.

    As a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney with this Department, I have known Andy for almost eight years on a professional and personal basis. I worked with Andy both as an adversary when he was in private criminal practice, and then under his supervision during his employment as a Deputy Prosecutor and Second Deputy.

    I have the highest regard for Andy as an attorney, and I view him as a mentor and a prime example of the type of attorney that I strive to be. Andy is an excellent prosecutor - he has the desired combination of intelligence, experience, communication skills, compassion, and temperament. His courtroom advocacy and work ethic is admirable. Andy faces head-on the most challenging and complex of cases, going far above and beyond what is expected of him as a public servant. His passion for and investment in the well-being of the Maui community is obvious to the people who have worked with him, and whom he has served.

    As a leader, Andy has demonstrated a clear commitment to mentoring other attorneys in their individual careers, and has taken on an active role in training all of the deputies, using his experience and knowledge of the law to increase the caliber of our prosecutions. In addition to his demonstrated leadership, I also am confident that he can effectively and competently handle the numerous administrative tasks of being the head Prosecutor – including fiscal, HR, and management. I have personally observed him gracefully manage many of these tasks while handling a full caseload himself as the Second Deputy. Throughout this time, Andy has always been cool under pressure – despite his enormous amount of responsibilities. In addition, Andy treats everyone with the utmost respect, and is held in high-regard by staff, prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, and the larger legal community.

    Most importantly, Andy can always be relied upon and trusted to do the right thing. The mission of our office is to “pursue justice,” and I have no doubt that Andy truly believes in that goal. Andy has a keen appreciation for the magnitude of decisions that are left to his and other prosecutors' discretion. He demands the highest level of competence, professionalism, and justice from himself and the prosecutors that are fortunate enough to be led by him.

    Andy will be a tremendous asset to this Department, the County, and the Maui community as a whole. Thank you for the opportunity to offer comments.

    Brandon Segal
    Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
    County of Maui

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    Elizabeth Nardi over 3 years ago

    Dear Chair Michael J. Molina, Vice-Chair Keani N.W. Rawlins-Fernandez, and Members of the Government Relations, Ethics, and Transparency Committee:

    I am writing in support of the appointment of Andy Martin as Prosecuting Attorney for the County of Maui. I am in the unique position of having been hired in February 2020 as a Deputy Prosecutor for the County of Maui pending my successful admission to the Hawaii State Bar. I began to work here in late September. I have worked as a prosecutor for nearly 10 years, first in San Francisco and then in San Mateo County. Over the course of my career, I have handled everything from misdemeanors to attempted murders, gang shootings, vehicular manslaughter, and a cold case kidnap for ransom.

    Despite these experiences, nothing could have prepared me for starting a job in a new state during a global pandemic at an office where there was a significant question of leadership. The only certainty was my uncertainty, but Andy was one of the first to welcome me to the office and assure me how happy the office was to have me on board. Andy led my panel interview back in February and I will never forget telling friends and family that I was looking forward to working with him in the felony Circuit Court unit. Andy and I both originally practiced as prosecutors in California and moved to Maui to continue a career as a public service as a prosecutor and I immediately felt like he was someone I could trust to guide me through my career at the Maui County Prosecutor’s office.

    Andy has been a constant source of support for me since I began working at the office. Andy stops by almost daily to check in on me to see if I have any questions. (And my office is out of the way of regular foot traffic so it is not out of convenience.) He genuinely cares about the well-being of his co-workers. Andy took the time to walk me through office procedures – whether it be how to print something in color or how to handle search warrant duty. No question or issue is too small and although he is always busy, he is never too busy to assist anyone.

    I cannot tell you how reassuring it has been to have Andy always ready, willing and able to help during these uncertain times. Andy is always in a cheerful mood, chatting with support staff and attorneys alike, always treating everyone with courtesy and humor – and humor is absolutely essential to build and keep morale. As an “outsider," I was pleasantly surprised and excited to hear that Andy was selected to lead this office. Andy is experienced, well-respected, approachable and kind. Andy is not motivated by any agenda other than seeking justice for crimes victims and ensuring a fair criminal process. I am now even more excited to share how happy I am to work for Andy as the Prosecuting Attorney. The citizens of Maui will be in very good hands under Andy’s leadership.

    Elizabeth Nardi
    Deputy Prosecuting Attorney

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    Karen Montalvo over 3 years ago

    Dear Chair Michael J. Molina, Vice-Chair Keani N.W. Rawlins-Fernandez, and Members of the Government Relations, Ethics and Transparency Committee:

    I am writing this letter in support of the appointment of Andrew H. Martin as Prosecuting Attorney for County of Maui, Department of the Prosecuting Attorney.

    I have worked with Mr. Martin and have gotten to know him since he started at the Prosecutor’s Office working as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney in 2005 to 2010. He returned to the Office in 2015 and worked to present date as a Supervising Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, and as of 2019, he served as Second Deputy Prosecuting Attorney.

    I have worked for the County of Maui, Department of the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for 35+ years since 1985. The past 10+ years, I have worked in the Administration Division as the Law Office Manager and as a personal secretary to the Prosecuting Attorney. Over the years, I have worked in all of the Divisions of our department, and have the knowledge and the experience in the District Court, Family Court, Circuit Court, and the Felony Screening/Grand Jury Divisions prior to being promoted to Law Office Manager assigned to the Administration Division.

    Mr. Martin is very knowledgeable of our Divisions work flow organization including the Administration Division. He is well educated in the law, legal prosecution, Rules of the Courts, and the Courts operations including the attorneys, clericals, victim witness counselors, investigators, and Administration roles, and its procedures in the Divisions. He shares his knowledge, experience, and updates with his attorneys, clericals, and Administration staff. He is aware of the public safety of the community, its problems, and the importance of public awareness to the community.

    Mr. Martin is an experience trial attorney and is assigned to high profile felony cases that includes Murder and/or Manslaughter cases, Sexual Assault cases involving minor and adult victims, and violent crime cases. He also has the experience of testifying in front of the Maui County Council for the VOCA grant. He is very knowledgeable in computer technology to help and guide Administration on our Prosecutor’s case tracking data system and other technology computer subjects pertaining to our legal and administration assignments. Computer technology is consistently changing with upgrades and new systems which does affect our office in making decisions to better improve the work flow of our Divisions.

    Mr. Martin has proven to be a good leader for the office staff as Second Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, Supervising Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, and as Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. He is a very excellent attorney with a lot of experience, and he is well prepared and thorough. He is hard-working, very thoughtful, and fair minded. I have worked with many attorneys with different personalities, attitude, work style, and experience; however, Mr. Martin’s demeanor and professionalism is superior and one of a kind. He is approachable, his work production is excellent, and he makes sound decisions. He is wise, intelligent, and very patient. He has a good working relationship and communication with all of the staff and other agencies that he has to work with. He brings up the morale in the office by his fair personality and excellent temperament. He is well respected by our office staff, court staff, Maui Police Department staff, other attorneys, and the overall community. He loves his family, and is a devoted husband and father. He is trustworthy, dependable, responsible, and committed to our office mission statement “To Seek Justice through competent leadership and integrity, the Prosecuting Attorney ensures that the pursuit of justice is done in a fair, effective and efficient manner through a victim-centered approach in prosecution.”

    Mr. Martin is fair to the employees in the office and treats everyone like his family. The overall morale in our office is good in which we are all one Ohana.

    Mr. Martin has all of the experience as an attorney on the legal side and as an attorney on the administration side including he has all of the credentials to be a great prosecuting attorney. His characteristics, professionalism, and temperament will definitely benefit our staff and our community.

    I humbly ask to confirm the appointment of Mr. Andrew H. Martin as Maui County Prosecuting Attorney.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Very truly yours,
    Law Office Manager

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    Johann Smith over 3 years ago

    I am writing in wholehearted support of the appointment of Andrew Martin as the Prosecuting Attorney. I have worked at this office for the last 11 years and I have worked with Andy for many of those years so I have a good idea of who Andy is as a deputy prosecutor and a person and whether he is the right choice to lead the Department.

    Andy has all the qualities you could want in a leader. He is intelligent, ethical, fair-minded and generous. I seek his advice regularly about issues with my cases and about what to do in tough situations. Even though he is probably the busiest attorney at the office, he always makes time when I need to ask him something. He knows the law and that is no small thing. I’ve seen him in trial and he is compelling and convincing.

    Andy is also ethical and fair. He has a mature sense of justice and knows that things aren’t always black and white; that not everyone who breaks the law is a bad person. This is a very important quality for a Prosecutor because he will have to weigh public sentiment against the protections of the Constitution, which often conflict. However, he is never scared to take strong positions such that victims (both present and future) are protected from those that would do them harm.

    Finally, if confirmed, Andy will become the lead administrator in the office. That means he will have to handle not just legal, but personnel and administrative issues. Someone with Andy’s sense of humor and genuine friendliness is just right for this job. In my opinion, a head Prosecutor can delegate most tasks, except for how he treats people. I have only seen Andy treat others with respect and kindness. His attitude engenders in the other attorneys here the confidence necessary to this perform this complex and dangerous job, and the peace necessary to keep it up day after day.

    For these reasons, you should confirm his appointment as Prosecutor for our county.

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    Richelle Kawasaki over 3 years ago

    Dear Chair Michael J. Molina, Vice-Chair Keani N.W. Rawlins-Fernandez, and Members of the Government Relations, Ethics, and Transparency Committee:

    I am writing in support of the appointment of Andrew Martin as Prosecuting Attorney for the County of Maui. I had the privilege of working with Mr. Martin in my former capacity as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney and I believe he will make an excellent Prosecuting Attorney.

    It is undeniable, that Andy is a skilled litigator and a well respected attorney. He works hard, seeking justice in all of his cases. Alone, these attributes make Andy an excellent Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. Coupled with his other qualities, Andy stands out as an excellent candidate for Prosecuting Attorney.

    Andy possesses many attributes of a great leader. He is intelligent, thoughtful, kind, and compassionate. He is generous in sharing his knowledge, he is a great communicator, and he is fair. Most importantly, Andy is an exceptional human being. He is approachable and treats everyone with respect. Andy is professional, even tempered, and very reasonable. He is pragmatic in his approaches to problem solving and knows when he needs to stand firm in a position and is not daunted by doing so. He will make difficult decisions and choices if they mean the greater good will be served.

    I respectfully urge you to approve the appointment of Andrew Martin as Prosecuting Attorney. Thank you for the opportunity to comment.

    Best Regards,

    Richelle Kawasaki, Esq.

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    michael kagami over 3 years ago

    Maui County Council:

    I am writing to express my support for Andrew Martin as Prosecuting Attorney for the County of Maui. I am currently a deputy prosecutor in the Prosecuting Attorney’s office. I support Andrew for several reasons: 1) his significant legal experience; 2) his ability to teach those abilities to others; and 3) his communication skills and even-keeled temperament.

    Andrew has the significant legal experience to lead the Prosecuting Attorney’s office. He has prosecuted the entire range of cases prosecutors face on a daily basis including homicides, sexual assault, and other violent crime. He is well-versed in criminal law, the rules of evidence and rules of court, and understands what is required to successfully prosecute a criminal case. He is well respected in the legal community (attorneys and judges) for his litigation skills.

    Andrew also has the ability to lead the deputy prosecutors because of his ability to effectively share his skills with others litigators in the office. Not all good trial litigators are good teachers, supervisors, or leaders. It takes a unique ability to be able to convey litigation skills to less experienced attorneys and convey criticism in a positive way so that you nurture the person instead of break them down. Andrew has shown that he has that ability.

    Andrew has the ability to lead not only our trial attorneys but also the legal staff of the office (clerical, investigators, and victim advocates). He understands the important roles each play in the office’s ability to successfully prosecute offenders and assist victims of crime. That understanding has garnered Andrew the respect and support from the support staff of the office.

    An important attribute that often gets overlooked is a leader’s ability to communicate effectively and his or her temperament in the face of conflict and stress. Andrew ability to communicate effectively is rooted in his ability to understand the circumstances of those he deals with, become well versed in their issues, and empathize with them. In the face of conflict and stress, Andrew has the ability to remain calm and focused. He tries to understand the root of the conflict or stress and looks to address the real issue(s) causing them.

    In order to assess my recommendation, I’d like to give you a little background of myself. I’ve worked as a deputy prosecutor, deputy corporation counsel, and deputy attorney general since 1991. I’ve worked as a prosecutor on Hawaii Island, Oahu, and Maui for over 25 years and I’ve prosecuted cases in the courts of all judicial circuits in Hawaii.

    My experience enables me to confidently support Andrew Martin to be the Prosecuting Attorney for the County of Maui. I have worked with Andrew and have witnessed his skills and abilities. The skills and abilities I’ve described make Andrew the ideal candidate for Prosecuting Attorney. The members of the Prosecuting Attorney’s office and the citizens of Maui County would benefit immensely from Andrew’s leadership.

    Very truly yours,


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    Great Committee over 3 years ago

    Various testimonies received in support.

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    Brandon Paredes over 3 years ago

    Aloha kākou, Chair Molina and the members of the Council:

    It is with aloha nui that I submit this letter of support for Andrew H. Martin. He will be an amazing Prosecuting Attorney for the County of Maui!

    In my almost 20 years of continuous service to our County and the Department of the Prosecuting Attorney, I have seen many attorneys come through our office. Some have stayed with us for just a brief amount of time; a few, like Andrew, have grown roots to our `āina and have dedicated themselves to our community. Above all, none have impressed me more than Andrew. Besides being competent and the most qualified for the position, Andrew H. Martin is a man of aloha; I have no doubt that he will lead our office with the spirit of aloha as his guide.

    I love the fact that Andrew is so approachable; he is gentle and unassuming. As the Circuit Court Team Supervisor for many years, he has demonstrated great leadership, encouraging unity and teamwork. It is always a pleasure to be in Andrew’s presence; his can-do attitude is so motivating and inspiring. Most importantly, Andrew is a patient man with a heart of a champion that will lead our office in a positive direction.

    Without hesitation, I humbly submit these words of support for Andrew H. Martin for Prosecuting Attorney for the County of Maui.

    Mahalo nui for your time and consideration.

    Me ka ha`aha`a,
    Brandon Paredes
    Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
    County of Maui

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    Peter Hanano over 3 years ago

    Aloha Chair Michael J. Molina, Vice-Chair Keani N.W. Rawlins-Fernandez, and Members of the Government Relations, Ethics, and Transparency Committee:

    I fully support the approval of the appointment of Andrew H. Martin as Prosecuting Attorney. I’ve known Mr. Martin for nearly 15 years since he began working for the Department of the Prosecuting Attorney in 2005. I have previously worked for that Department for nearly 22 years under six different prosecuting attorneys, including as the first deputy prosecuting attorney under the Charmaine Tavares administration.

    Over the years, I have become familiar with Mr. Martin both as an attorney and as a person. As an attorney, Mr. Martin is a seasoned prosecutor and has a strong work ethic. He is highly intelligent, has a good sense of justice, and is able to successfully prosecute even the most complex types of cases. Equally important, Mr. Martin cares deeply for the people of Maui County, especially the victims of crime. He takes his job seriously and zealously seeks justice in every case. If approved as the Prosecuting Attorney, I am confident that Mr. Martin will continue to expect and demand this of every case that the Department handles.

    As a person, Mr. Martin is well liked and respected. He works very well with others, is very reasonable, and levelheaded. Mr. Martin treats all office staff with respect and professionalism. Throughout the 15 years that I have known him, I have never seen him lose his temper or act angrily towards another. Undoubtedly, these qualities with enable Mr. Martin to properly and effectively address any personnel issues within the Department, and facilitate good working relationships with not only the public, but other governmental agencies as well.

    Finally, Mr. Martin is a great leader. He leads by example and would not expect anyone to do something that he would not do himself. Additionally, Mr. Martin is a good listener and is very approachable. He is a problem solver and possesses the ability to motivate people in a positive manner. I am confident that he will lead the Department in a direction for the good of the community.

    In closing, I would highly recommend Andrew H. Martin for the position of Prosecuting Attorney. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to submit testimony.

    Peter A. Hanano, Esq.

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    Mahie McPherson over 3 years ago

    Aloha Chair Molina & members of the Government Relations, Ethics, and Transparency Committee:

    Please accept this letter as a recommendation of my full support of Andrew Martin’s nomination in becoming the next Prosecuting Attorney for the County of Maui. In short, Andrew Martin is the reason I am able to write this letter today. He saved my life as well as the lives of my two children and immediate family members.

    Andrew Martin was the Lead Prosecuting Attorney that handled the Attempted Murder case against the father of my children, after his final act of violence against me. Andrew Martin restored my belief of and confidence in the law and justice system, a system I felt, until meeting Andrew Martin, continually re-victimized by.

    It is easy for a person, who has experienced domestic violence to feel insignificant, worthless, and powerless. However, immediately following my first meeting with Andrew, I felt protected, warranted, and important. After years of living day-to-day and moment-to-moment I felt I could finally look forward to a future. Andrew Martin was the light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

    During the months of court proceedings Andrew was professional and yet very kind, compassionate and relatable at the same time. He answered every question, addressed every concern, and always kept me well informed in each step of the process. It was a moment during the minimum-term hearing in front of the Hawaii Parole Board that sticks out to me the most about Andrew. This is hard for me to put into words, but I will try as I feel this moment is what exemplifies Andrew’s character not only as a lawyer but also as a person.

    During this minimum-term hearing my perpetrator was able to give a statement, explain his side, and ask for leniency. Instead, he used this time to make passive aggressive, derogatory and disparaging remarks about me in defense of his actions. This did not go unnoticed by Andrew. Andrew immediately addressed his comments and highlighted the continued abuse he was flaunting. Andrew stood up for and defended me. Andrew’s response was not scripted or something he previously prepared for; it was an in-the-moment reaction. He defended me not as a victim or a case number but as an individual.

    I am so very thankful my case came across Andrew Martin’s desk, and I sincerely feel the people of Maui County would be most fortunate to have Andrew Martin as their next Prosecuting Attorney.

    Mahalo for your time & consideration.

    Mahie McPherson

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    Linda Tengan over 3 years ago

    32 Kopi Lane, #206
    Wailuku, Hawaii 96793

    January 22, 2021

    Honorable Michael Molina, Chairman
    Government Relations, Ethics and
    Transparency Committee
    County of Maui
    Wailuku, Hawaii 96793

    Re: Appointment and Removal of Administrative
    Heads of Departments (Prosecuting Attorney)
    GREAT-1(1), January 26, 2021

    Dear Chairman Molina and members of the Council:

    I am writing this letter in support of the appointment of Andrew H. Martin as Prosecuting Attorney for the County of Maui.

    Mr. Martin is very qualified and competent to perform the duties required of the Prosecuting Attorney.

    Mr. Martin is very dedicated to his job. As the second deputy prosecuting attorney, he is the supervisor in charge of the Circuit Court and Screening Divisions, which deals mainly felony cases, which includes murder, robbery, burglary, theft, drug offenses, and sexual assault. He is a hard working supervisor. He makes sure that the attorneys are on top of things. He is knowledgeable and shares his knowledge with everyone. He is there to give advice and lend a helping hand to the other attorneys and even the clerical staff. This makes working in the office very comfortable for everyone. He tries to treat everyone fairly, and yes, if you don't do your job, you will get a talking to. Our office has a lot of staff that have been here since Mr. Martin was a deputy prosecutor. This office is like a second family to a lot of us, sometimes we see them more than our immediate family.

    Mr. Martin understands the problems and the needs of the community. He is compassionate and cares about the community. He sees the big picture and can be firm and fair to those in the community. He will be able to make well-reasoned and intelligent decisions about public safety.

    I have been working in the department since 1978. I am a Law Technician and am assigned to Courtroom No. 4, which involves

    dealing with domestic violence cases and misdemeanor jury demand cases. I have worked with almost all the attorneys in the office and Mr. Martin is one of the easiest to work with. He is confident in his decision making, which makes it easy for the office staff to do their work.

    Thank you for considering Mr. Martin and humbly ask that he be appointed as next Prosecuting Attorney.


    Linda H. Tengan

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    Joanne Hicks over 3 years ago

    Dear Honorable Chair Molina, Vice-Chair Rawlins-Fernandez, Chair Lee, and Councilmembers:

    I am writing to express my strong support of the proposed resolution, “APPROVING THE APPOINTMENT OF ANDREW H. MARTIN AS PROSECUTING ATTORNEY.”

    You are about to select the next leader of the Department of the Prosecuting Attorney. As a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney working for our County, I cannot underscore how important this decision is. Your approval or disapproval of who runs this office will not only have a direct impact on the everyday lives our 84 employees, but most importantly, the community’s safety as whole. We can do our best work if we are steered by effective, trusted, stable, and experienced leadership.

    I have known Andy since I first clerked for the Honorable Judge Rhonda Loo in 2012. I had the unique opportunity of observing and getting to know Andy from the impartial perspective of a Judiciary employee. Andy was always a pleasure to work with because he is courteous, professional, and respectful of everyone. At that time, he was a private criminal defense attorney. Andy was one of the best criminal defense attorneys on this island and we are fortunate that he shifted to prosecution. He has an excellent reputation among Maui attorneys and judges. A Prosecuting Attorney’s work entails frequent communication with the Judiciary, public safety partnership agencies, and other community groups. A strong reputation within this community goes a long way in advocating and communicating our Department’s needs.
    Since 2015, Andy has served as Circuit Court Supervisor and subsequently later also as the Second Prosecuting Attorney. He is an experienced and trusted leader within our Department. Andy is one of my direct Supervisors and I love working for him. Despite him being extremely busy, we are always able to drop in and ask him questions, chat, and share personal concerns. I am comfortable telling Andy anything because he is the kind of leader that will help work towards solutions, rather than be critical and judgmental. I consult him for my difficult questions because he is one of the most skilled attorneys in this office, and is willing to take the time to teach. If Andy is not putting out some kind of fire, you will find him chatting up our clerical staff and making people laugh. He inspires our employees and makes us feel valued and appreciated. Andy’s transition to being our top leader will be seamless and appreciated by many.

    Andy is an “attorney’s attorney” who is deeply rooted within the Maui legal community. There is no better or more capable person to run this Department. Andy is an experienced, tireless, and enthusiastic leader. He is a problem solver who can make decisions under rapidly shifting circumstances.

    Please confirm the appointment of Andy Martin as Prosecuting Attorney.

    Thank you very much for your thoughtful consideration.

    Joanne Hicks
    Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
    County of Maui

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    oran satterfield over 3 years ago

    Committee Chair Molina and Maui Council Members,

    I am a Detective currently assigned to the Maui Police Department, Sexual Assault Unit, and served our community since 1997. For the past five years, it has been a privilege to have worked alongside Andrew “Andy” Martin on many criminal cases as well as educational projects in our community. Andy is articulate, adept, humble, and always seeks the truth in each investigation. Andy is also a good friend, someone that I count on for fair and honest advice.

    I am confident that Andy will always do what is right for our community and you have my full support to confirm him as our next Prosecuting Attorney for Maui County.

    Oran A. Satterfield III
    Maui Police Department

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    Ricky Uedoi over 3 years ago

    I have personally known Andrew “Andy” Martin since he first arrived on Maui and began working for the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. Andy has always been a humble respected attorney. My dealings with him on a professional level has always been at the highest caliber. He works very hard on his cases to seek justice for the victims. He puts a lot of time and effort in presenting a case that establishes all the facts to secure a prosecution. He would never sacrifice his integrity to present a case that he felt lacked probable cause.
    On a personal level, Andy is a great friend. He is someone that is easy to talk to. You can hold a bunch of different conversations regarding different topics and enjoy his company.
    I have no doubt that Andy would serve this community and the office of the Prosecuting Attorney with Compassion and Empathy for the victims. He will remain steadfast in the pursuit of justice. With his type of temperament around his fellow attorneys, he will no doubt be able to lead the office and restore the morale that was fractured by the previous administration.
    I give my full support and confidence that Andy Martin can and will be a great leader for the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.
    Thank you!
    Captain Ricky Uedoi
    Maui Police Department

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    Nita Kahoohanohano Fernandez over 3 years ago

    To Chair Molina and members of the Government Relations, Ethics, and Transparency Committee,

    I am in full support of the Mayor’s nomination of Andrew Martin to become the next Prosecuting Attorney for Maui County. In my 30 years of experience in our office, I have had the pleasure of working under 7 different Prosecuting Attorneys. And while I am currently the Supervising Law Technician that supervises all support staff in our Felony Prosecution Division, I have also served the county as a law clerk in various divisions in the past. Throughout my time in the Prosecuting Attorney’s office, I’ve looked to both my peers and my superiors to learn and grow in each position. And while each of my mentors have been memorable and have helped me, and our office, to make a positive change in our community, my experiences with Andrew Martin especially stand out in my mind.

    How do I begin to describe an individual that is hard working, personable, extremely knowledgeable, and a great mentor and leader... Andrew Martin is all of these things and more. I have known him since the day he started working in our office and am grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to work even closer with him since 2019, when I became the Felony Prosecution Division’s Supervising Law Technician and he was already our Circuit Court Supervisor. In the recent years, Andy has proven his ability to diffuse situations with irate public members or frustrated staff. Not only is he great with handling personnel issues but he is receptive to any issue brought to him. I know that if I ever need advice or direction, Andy’s calm and collected demeanor will put me in the right state of mind to overcome any obstacle I am facing, in addition to the constant confidence he instills in our staff that he will have our back.

    Andy as our Prosecuting Attorney will be one who leads by example, is considerate of others, and makes decisions based in logic rather than emotion. I, myself, could not nominate someone better for the job. Andy will help our office to achieve continuity, stability, and justice for all.

    I ask yours and the members’ full support of Andrew Martin as Maui County’s next Prosecuting Attorney.

    Thank you,
    Nita Kahoohanohano Fernandez
    Supervising Law Technician, Department of the Prosecuting Attorney

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    Benjamin Lowenthal over 3 years ago

    Andrew H. Martin has been my colleague as both a prosecutor and defense attorney in our small Maui bar. We have worked together as defense lawyers and we have tried cases against each other. I gladly support his appointment to be our next Prosecuting Attorney.
    He understands that our modern American criminal justice system calls for sensitive and strenuous law enforcement, strict adherence to the rule of law, and a vigorous and zealous defense of the accused. Without all three, our system breaks down.
    Mr. Martin’s advocacy as a prosecutor and defense attorney speaks for itself. I am sure that under his leadership those who break the law will be prosecuted and punished. But more importantly I am confident he will recommit his office to seek justice.
    A prosecutor is a special kind of lawyer. The prosecutor does more than represent his or her client. The prosecutor’s main objective is to seek justice.
    Seeking justice is more than following a complainant’s instructions, securing convictions, and advocating for the harshest sentences possible. It means more than backing law enforcement without question.
    Justice requires a resolved adherence to the rule of law. It means halting a case from proceeding because of police misconduct or even an inadvertent violation of constitutional rights. It means looking beyond the emotions and wishes of a complainant to ensure that the result is the right one for the defendant and the community.
    Mr. Martin possesses the intelligence and courage to align Maui County with other enlightened jurisdictions and recognize implicit bias, take on institutional racism, and curb police brutality. Mr. Martin knows that no one is truly free and no community is safe without the rule of law. His commitment to justice is the way forward. I hope you confirm him to be our new Prosecuting Attorney.
    Ben Lowenthal, Esq.

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    Chris Dunn over 3 years ago

    Maui County Counsel Members:

    I am an attorney licensed in Hawaii since 2002. My practice involves complex / high volume criminal defense work in the Second Circuit.

    Through my practice I have had ample opportunity to litigate the most serious of cases against Mr. Martin and to observe him in Court on other matters, both as a prosecutor and private attorney. Mr. Martin is undeniably a zealous, supremely skilled, well prepared and hard working advocate. To Mr. Martin's great credit, his acumen as an attorney is tempered by his humility, reasonableness, compassion and common sense. I have seen him work in the most stressful and intense of circumstances and remain composed, respectful and professional. These traits have endeared him to the Courthouse community such that he is respected and liked by the Judges, attorneys and Court personnel. His experience, knowledge, temperament and people-skills make him a perfect fit for the role of Prosecuting Attorney.

    I have also had occasion to observe Mr. Martin outside of his professional life. We each have young families and have crossed paths at various community events. Mr. Martin has demonstrated himself to be a devoted parent and husband as well as an active community member. Maui County will be well served with Mr. Martin as our Prosecuting Attorney.

    I give my unequivocal support for the appointment of Andrew Martin to the Office of Prosecuting Attorney.

    - Christopher M. Dunn, Esq.