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    John Tam over 3 years ago

    Honorable Chair Molina and Members of the Committee:

    I would highly recommend your Confirmation of Andrew Martin as Prosecuting Attorney for the County of Maui.
    I worked with Mr. Martin as a fellow Deputy Prosecuting Attorney since 2005, except for a time when he was in private practice.
    I observed him to be an extremely competent and ethical Trial Attorney and Supervising Deputy.
    He is highly respected by the Court, the Police, opposing Counsel, and the Staff of the Department of the Prosecuting Attorney.
    He is not only dedicated to the Rule of Law, but also caring, compassionate, and understanding in working with others.
    Your favorable consideration of Mr. Martin would be most greatly appreciated.

    Respectfully submitted,
    John E. Tam

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    Joanne Hicks over 3 years ago

    Dear Honorable Chair Molina, Vice-Chair Rawlins-Fernandez, Chair Lee, and Councilmembers:

    I am writing to express my strong support of the proposed resolution, “APPROVING THE APPOINTMENT OF ANDREW H. MARTIN AS PROSECUTING ATTORNEY.”

    You are about to select the next leader of the Department of the Prosecuting Attorney. As a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney working for our County, I cannot underscore how important this decision is. Your approval or disapproval of who runs this office will not only have a direct impact on the everyday lives our 84 employees, but most importantly, the community’s safety as whole. We can do our best work if we are steered by effective, trusted, stable, and experienced leadership.
    I have known Andy since I first clerked for the Honorable Judge Rhonda Loo in 2012. I had the unique opportunity of observing and getting to know Andy from the impartial perspective of a Judiciary employee. Andy was always a pleasure to work with because he is courteous, professional, and respectful of everyone. At that time, he was a private criminal defense attorney. Andy was one of the best criminal defense attorneys on this island and we are fortunate that he shifted to prosecution. He has an excellent reputation among Maui attorneys and judges. A Prosecuting Attorney’s work entails frequent communication with the Judiciary, public safety partnership agencies, and other community groups. A strong reputation within this community goes a long way in advocating and communicating our Department’s needs.

    Since 2015, Andy has served as Circuit Court Supervisor and subsequently later also as the Second Prosecuting Attorney. He is an experienced and trusted leader within our Department. Andy is one of my direct Supervisors and I love working for him. Despite him being extremely busy, we are always able to drop in and ask him questions, chat, and share personal concerns. I am comfortable telling Andy anything because he is the kind of leader that will help work towards solutions, rather than be critical and judgmental. I consult him for my difficult questions because he is one of the most skilled attorneys in this office, and is willing to take the time to teach. If Andy is not putting out some kind of fire, you will find him chatting up our clerical staff and making people laugh. He inspires our employees and makes us feel valued and appreciated. Andy’s transition to being our top leader will be seamless and appreciated by many.

    Andy is an “attorney’s attorney” who is deeply rooted within the Maui legal community. There is no better or more capable person to run this Department. Andy is an experienced, tireless, and enthusiastic leader. He is a problem solver who can make decisions under rapidly shifting circumstances.

    Please confirm the appointment of Andy Martin as Prosecuting Attorney.

    Thank you very much for your thoughtful consideration.

    Joanne Hicks
    Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
    County of Maui