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    Faith Chase almost 4 years ago

    I am testifying on item EACP 17-(13) While I am uncertain how the Zoning Division of the Maui County Planning Department cross pollinates with other Departments I know that something needs to improve. In the last few years we have had two very serious examples of petro chemical dumping that demanded emergency remediation. One next to the Kanaha Bird Sanctuary by The Gas Company and the other in one of our most abundant watersheds, Waikamoi by Hawaiian Dredging.

    I would specifically like the Maui County Planning Director Michelle McLean to expand the departments scope of work by making considerations when any Request For Proposals (RFP) exceed a certain high dollar amount, as example, anything over $500k be flagged for a deeper review of work. An obvious approach would be those RFP's that involve Department Of Transportation because of the pavement removal, the petro chemical disposal. As I learned from one Zoning Inspector, there is a process in cross checking receipts of tonnage dumping of specific material. This material needs to be accounted for.

    I would also like “After-The-Fact” permits to cease. How this became an acceptable protocol is beyond me. I would like to see isolated reporting of “warnings” versus “fines”. Maui County Planning Departmetn has too many examples of warnings and no fines.

    In closing I must say that I had really hoped that the performance record of this Department would improve.

    If there are budgetary restraints in the Planning Dep. then say so, does your Special Management Area staffing need to grow, then say so. I will advocate for these budget requests, I can guarantee you will save our County money on the front end rather than overspending on damage control and the costs for environmental and medical monitoring after the damage is done.

    These decisions made have to do with public safety, please make these considerations.