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    Tyler Fisher almost 4 years ago

    Re: Testimony in Support of GET 60
    Governance Ethics and Transparency Committee Meeting
    December 9th, 2020 - 9am

    Committee Chair Molina, Vice Chair Rawlins-Fernandez and Committee Members,

    My name is Tyler Fisher and I am a resident of Kahului and a junior at Maui High School. I am a volunteer youth member of the Maui Nui Youth Council and have been engaged with the organization for five years. I am writing to testify in support of GET 60: the Social Host Liability Regulation. This ordinance will hold adults accountable for underage drinking that happens on property they are responsible for.

    This is a very important issue to me and thank you council members for making this a priority. I have friends who have gone through the misfortunes of life and they decided to use alcohol as a crutch to get them through it. Most of my friends who drink get it from inside their own house. It’s really easy for them to just pick it up and start drinking. We know from youth surveys that alcohol is the most accessible substance in our community. I hate to see them ruin their body and their lives because of a mistake that could have been prevented.

    Youth drink for a lot of different reasons, although the reasons are different the outcome is the same. Drunk driving, sexual assaults, physical fights, and youth getting arrested are some of the most severe consequences youth experience from underage drinking at house parties. Most kids like to drink at house parties, and that is where these outcomes are prevalent.

    The social host liability regulation will deter underage drinking at house parties by making adults more aware of alcohol they have in their home. Adults need to know how easy it is for youth to get alcohol. The social host liability regulation is a necessary tool to increase the awareness of the harms of underage drinking at house parties and protect the youth of Maui County from severe consequences. I believe that this ordinance will change our community for the better and protect my peers from the dangers of underage drinking.

    I am asking you, the members of the Governance, Ethics, and Transparency Committee to vote in support of GET 60 the Social Host Liability Regulation.

    Thank you for your consideration and time.

    Tyler Fisher
    Resident of Kahului
    Member of the Maui Nui Youth Council

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    Ethan Baysa almost 4 years ago

    Re: Testimony in Support of GET 60
    Governance Ethics and Transparency Committee Meeting
    December 9th, 2020 - 9am

    Committee Chair Molina, Vice Chair Rawlins-Fernandez and Committee Members,

    My name is Ethan Baysa and I am a 7th grade student from Maui Waena. I am a youth volunteer member of the Maui Nui Youth Council and dedicated to preventing teens from drinking alcohol underage.

    I am writing to give testimony in support of the Social Host Liability Regulations - GET-60. I support the social host ordinance because I know how hazardous alcohol is for young people. I am blessed to have a family that believes kids should not consume alcohol. When we have celebrations and parties my parents do so much to keep me and my siblings safe. They put alcohol far out of reach of any Minor , they do not keep alcohol in the kitchen refrigerator - instead they keep it in a separate fridge outside in the garage. My parents also remind me to stay away from alcohol even if I am around it. They do this because they care and because they know how hazardous alcohol is. I know that not all families do these things - some may not have the ability to do so. But some Parents really do not think that underage drinking is a problem that they should prevent from occuring.

    The social host ordinance will hold adults accountable for any underage drinking that happens on their property. I believe holding adults accountable is important because parents should be more aware of what is harmful to their kids. This ordinance will help families learn how dangerous underage drinking is and how house parties lead to major consequences like drunk driving, sexual assaults, and alcohol poisoning. I believe this ordinance will reduce the problem of underage drinking at house parties and help my friends, peers and their families stay safe and still have fun at celebrations. I have seen kids my age consume alcohol and it is something I never want to see again. Underage drinking puts all youth in jeopardy.

    I am thankful for my parents doing all they can to protect me. I am now asking you to protect me and all the keiki of Maui County. I ask that you support the social host ordinance and vote in support of GET 60.

    Thank you,

    Ethan Baysa
    Resident of Kahului
    Youth Member of the Maui Nui Youth Council

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    Ann Collins almost 4 years ago

    Aloha members of the GET Committee,
    As a parent of two children here on Maui, I believe that this ordinance is a great way to protect the lives of our youth. Unfortunately, alcohol can destroy the lives of young people all to frequently and all too often. This ordinance can help us as a community create safer places for youth to gather and socialize, while decreasing the opportunities for the damaging effects of alcohol on our youth. This will also help hold all of us accountable for upholding safer places in our homes, and will support parents in making the responsible decision of not allowing teen drinking at their home parties. I'm sure that your vision is to provide legislation that creates a healthy and bright future for our youth. I urge you to support this ordinance as a tool to achieve our collective vision of a safe and healthy youth for our County.
    Mahalo for your time,
    Ann Collins