Meeting Time: December 02, 2020 at 9:00am HST

Agenda Item


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    Faith Chase almost 4 years ago

    Speaking again to EDB-115 and my testimony last EDB meeting. This parcel being considered for landfill purchase does have a title dispute and to answer the question that was asked last meeting, Alexander & Baldwin was given formal notice of cease and desist one year ago, November 2019. I have made a formal request to the Land Commission Award petitioner to send the Notice directly to Chair Rawlins-Fernandez. I will say that while I mean not to disrupt the flow of decision as it relates to essential country infrastructure needs, I need this Council body to understand that any future land purchases as it relates to Alexander & Baldwin, you will encounter land disputes that are related to claims from heirs via Land Commission Awards.
    I also wanted to question the reasoning of the lower portion of land being acquired for land fill phase when the property above (mauka) was once designated as the area to expand to. I am concerned of the operations of EKO compost and the rearranging of land acquisition seems to be a piece of the reasoning of his unfortunate contract considerations and resource recovery business. While I have personal reservations on the end product application choices, I support the process which Ruben Fonseca has so intently attentioned all these years for the benefit of the County. We ought to look how to support him however possible, even if his methodologies may change or evolve as any trash to energy systems are decided upon.
    Updated since EDB Meeting item discussion has commenced: From listening to Environmental Management Director Eric Nakagawa, I understand now that we lost the mauka acreage that was planned for a future phase to another purchaser. I will personally request long range planning information to better understand essential infrastructure expansions. I appreciate the Chair asking the Director this question.