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    Faith Chase almost 4 years ago

    I am here to speak on HFC-24 and how it relates to Axis Deer, I wish to remind this Council Committee that experiential knowledge and expertise must be advantaged by including Kahikinui Game & Land Management ‘Ohana (KGLMO). If it makes it easy for incoming next term Council and relative Committees, the contact information for KGLMO president Kawika Davidson is (808) 269-0699 and email is:

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    Rhonda Fosbinder almost 4 years ago

    I am writing to testify in favor of the grant of a renewed and expanded lease to Paia Youth Council, Inc. The youth program operated as “Paia Youth and Cultural Center” (“PYCC”) is a long-standing and well established program with strong leadership and powerful values and goals, which has already proven itself to be an excellent steward. Because of the unique programming they offer, which is tied to the land and sea and promotes fundamental Hawaiian values, they serve a youth population that would likely be underserved or not served by other youth programs. PYCC is a great benefit to the community.

    Expanding the youth program allows for more kids to attend without increasing the use of scarce parking and other resources. Kids are generally dropped off and much later picked up, and the MEO provides bus service. PYCC clearly could serve many more youth with their unique skills and opportunities if they had more space. Certainly they need a lease renewal and expansion in order to continue to provide their services and be better able to engage and protect the kids.

    The ability to serve more youth is especially critical now, when parents need to work additional hours to recover from the economic impacts of COVID-19, and kids need the benefits PYCC provides. In order to do so, parents and the community need a safe and enriching place for kids to be outside of school.

    PYCC has a large number of valuable programs that teach important life skills, but they are limited by the currently available space. Moving some of the activity away from the primary beach parking area will assist in reducing congestion overall, and will help reduce the tendency for homeless to camp in that currently unmonitored area. PYCC and the community both need this lease, for everyone’s benefit. I believe from what I have personally observed, that granting this lease will not create any burden, but instead will be entirely beneficial and valuable. Thank you for your consideration.

    Rhonda Fosbinder, parent