Meeting Time: November 17, 2020 at 9:00am HST

Agenda Item


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    Karen Worthington almost 4 years ago

    I urge the County Council enact a Social Host Ordnance. Please see my attached testimony.
    Best regards,
    Karen Worthington

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    Jonathan Honda almost 4 years ago

    My name is Jonathan Honda and I’m a police officer with the Maui Police Department. I respectfully ask for your support for the Social Host Ordinance because adults should be held accountable when underage drinking parties happen at their residence or other private property.

    A Social Host Ordinance would protect our children and families in our community, from detrimental decisions that stem from underage drinking. Parents and guardians would become more actively involved with their child because there would be consequences for turning a blind eye on underage drinking. Maui Police Department patrol officers respond to numerous underage drinking calls for service, especially during high school graduation season where house parties are a common event.

    Currently, with the COVID-19 pandemic, kids have been at home for long periods of time and these parties have continued to occur. It is our responsibility to have a proactive mindset to help our community to stay safe. If a minor consumes any amount of alcohol at a house party, that could lead to getting behind the wheel of a vehicle and putting their life and others at risk. Our community is small and the decisions we make can influence the lives of others.

    Growing up in Hawaii, my parents were always involved in my extracurricular activities and always knew where I was. Going over to a friend’s house, for the day or overnight, was a privilege that I had to earn. There were unspoken guidelines (such as my parents knowing the other parents, where they lived, etc.) that needed to be in place. Currently, children growing up today face a much different set of challenges. Parents don’t always know their kids' friends or parents. We can help decrease underage drinking in the community if we have strong policy to support parents saying no to underage drinking at house parties. This would hold adults accountable for their actions and make them think twice about hosting a party at their residence.

    I humbly ask for your support to pass the social host ordinance. With strict liability and meaningful fines, the social host ordinance will help prevent destructive decisions from underage drinking that take place at residences and private properties.