To: Committee on Governance, Ethics, and Transparency
Council Member Michael J. Molina, Chair
Council Member Keani N.W. Rawlins-Fernandez, Vice-Chair
From: Maui Coalition for Drug-Free Youth
Date: November 17th, 2020
Subject: Support for Maui County Social Host Liability Regulations; GET-60
My name is Luke Berrigan, I am a resident of Pukalani, and I go to King Kekaulike. I am also part of the Maui Nui Youth Council, and I am asking you to vote yes on the GET-60 Social Host Liability Regulations.
Underage drinking at house parties is a huge problem in Maui County. The issues that it brings to us youth will continue to harm our life and development unless something is done about it. As of current, 11.6 percent of middle school students, and 30.8 percent of high school students report drinking alcohol. In addition to this, out of 449 youth interviewed, 45.5% know someone who have been in physical fights because of drinking at house parties, 33.3% know someone who has been arrested because of alcohol, 29% know someone who has been in a traffic accident because of alcohol, 22.1% know someone who has gotten alcohol poisoning, and 18% know someone who has been sexually assaulted because of alcohol. Also, of youth interviewed who had attended house parties, 73.7% report binge drinking occurring. Parents are also worried, and when interviewed, 90.1% don’t want their children drinking at other peoples homes, and 85.5% don’t want them drinking in their own home.
A proposition to help lower these statistics is to enact a Social Host Ordinance, which more than 150 counties have already put in place. This would be a civil ordinance that would fine the owner, or in the case of a rental, the leaseholder, of a property for any underage drinking done on said property. By fining the adult in charge, it would make them less likely to allow underage drinking, thus lowering the percentages of minors who drink, and lowering the percentages of minors who experience the negative consequences of alcohol. This will have a large positive impact on the youth of Maui County, and will brighten our future. Once again, I am asking you to vote yes on the GET-60 Social Host Liability Regulations.
I support a Social Host Ordinance for Maui County. Please see attached testimony.
Please see testimony attached
To: Committee on Governance, Ethics, and Transparency
Council Member Michael J. Molina, Chair
Council Member Keani N.W. Rawlins-Fernandez, Vice-Chair
From: Maui Coalition for Drug-Free Youth
Date: November 17th, 2020
Subject: Support for Maui County Social Host Liability Regulations; GET-60
My name is Luke Berrigan, I am a resident of Pukalani, and I go to King Kekaulike. I am also part of the Maui Nui Youth Council, and I am asking you to vote yes on the GET-60 Social Host Liability Regulations.
Underage drinking at house parties is a huge problem in Maui County. The issues that it brings to us youth will continue to harm our life and development unless something is done about it. As of current, 11.6 percent of middle school students, and 30.8 percent of high school students report drinking alcohol. In addition to this, out of 449 youth interviewed, 45.5% know someone who have been in physical fights because of drinking at house parties, 33.3% know someone who has been arrested because of alcohol, 29% know someone who has been in a traffic accident because of alcohol, 22.1% know someone who has gotten alcohol poisoning, and 18% know someone who has been sexually assaulted because of alcohol. Also, of youth interviewed who had attended house parties, 73.7% report binge drinking occurring. Parents are also worried, and when interviewed, 90.1% don’t want their children drinking at other peoples homes, and 85.5% don’t want them drinking in their own home.
A proposition to help lower these statistics is to enact a Social Host Ordinance, which more than 150 counties have already put in place. This would be a civil ordinance that would fine the owner, or in the case of a rental, the leaseholder, of a property for any underage drinking done on said property. By fining the adult in charge, it would make them less likely to allow underage drinking, thus lowering the percentages of minors who drink, and lowering the percentages of minors who experience the negative consequences of alcohol. This will have a large positive impact on the youth of Maui County, and will brighten our future. Once again, I am asking you to vote yes on the GET-60 Social Host Liability Regulations.