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    123 456 almost 4 years ago

    Excuse me... There was an investigation on Robert Rivera for using the county vehicle for non-work related business, yet he wasn't reprimanded and the public not informed about it. No wonder JD Kim got away for years with his demeaning and abusive behavior! How is it that some employees get away with things and others get terminated? Tell me, how is it that Mr. Rivera's wife is allowed to work in the same dept as he? Is there a watchdog for the Prosecuting Attorney's office? Is it the Attorney General's Office? Mr. Guzman deserves a chance to redeem himself. He has done many positive things for our community, in addition to having clean up after JD Kim. You gonna clean house then you better take a look at all higher ups in the Prosecutor 's Office because they are not all squeaky clean and you know it! Bringing up things like a gun when it has nothing to do with the issue at hand is an underhanded and unethical move. Shame on you! I guess this is the County's way of doing things... Get a scapegoat to deflect from the truth! Fairness and justice.. What a joke!

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    George Chyz almost 4 years ago


    I support Don Guzman who is a good and honest man.

    I also believe the Mayor needs to be investigated for allegedly requesting that department heads provide undated letters of resignation.

    George Chyz
    Haiku, HI