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    Kaipo Kekona over 4 years ago

    Aloha kakou Maui Council members my name is Kaipo Kekona and I testify today in a request for you to remove or stricken the County ordnance 2684 sec 20.08.031 allowing property owners exemptions from permits when trenching for infrastructure on private property. As is according to the ordinance BMP's are required to establish and maintain exemption status. How is that enforced? What is the process in acquiring exemptions from the County? Some solutions could be requiring a Cultural and Archeological monitor for Historically sensitive areas. As well as a Detailed Archaeological study and report prior to and during the work. The County could set the example in requiring the current hired County Archaeologist to monitor all County project's. Today here in Lahaina as we deal with a construction company trenching over 2 miles of line, the County took on a Dog park project in the same location with no monitors on site raising concerns in our community once again. There are numerous identified burials through previous studies within the location of the work site in Lahaina. As well as Cemetery identified in Pioneers mapping directly in the path of the projected route. These are circumstances that should in no way receive exemptions. Mahalo for your time and encourage you to continue to fix these issues.

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    Jade Chihara over 4 years ago

    Aloha Chair Kama and County Council Members,

    My name is Jade Chihara and i was born and raised in Lahaina. The inaction by the County of Maui to protect iwi kūpuna is extremely disappointing and disheartening. The efforts by Council Member Paltin to request an inquiry to the Maui Lānaʻi Island Burial Council was appreciated but to no avail as the County of Maui contiues to allow West Maui Construction to utilize ordinance 2684 section 20.08.031 for their trenching work through documented burial grounds. This has been a community effort from kūpuna, activists, farmers, lawyers, students, and regular human beings just like you and me who are ready and willing to protect these burials in our moku to be desecreated, lest we stand by and repeat the history like that of Ritz Carlton. I ask that you examine the role of the Department of Public Works in expediting the exemptions without a full understandifng of the cultural and archeological sensitivity of the land in which the work will occur.

    Mahalo for your time today reading my testimony.

    Jade Chihara