Meeting Time: September 22, 2020 at 1:30pm HST

Agenda Item


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  • 3927053277324849
    Marty Martins over 4 years ago

    As I understand it, the mayor is sitting on this previously budgeted money, passed unanimously by the Council, because he fears there won't be the tax revenue to cover it. However, tourism will start picking up after 10/15 and money will start flowing into county coffers.

    If Maui (and Hawai'i Nei) is to ever have a sustainable source of local food, our farmers and ranchers must be supported. The US and state have both pumped recovery money into small business (great!) but the agricultural sectors needs a "shot in the arm," too! These micro grants are what is needed to keep these small farmers in business and get them over the hump

    Please urge the Mayor to release the money (and least half of for now, the rest in 60 days) and keep Maui food on Maui tables.

    Marty Martins

  • 3946562125360933
    Kahala Mui over 4 years ago

    Thank you for opening this topic, as many farmers are wondering about the Agricultural Micro-Grants that were approved months ago. As a farmer myself,
    I too wonder about this.

    Whereas it is understandable that there was a massive investment made in Maui Small Businesses, and I am glad to know that it was so successful that there is a million dollar surplus, that agencies are currently trying to disperse to other small businesses - complaining that nobody is applying for the funds. I sincerely applaud your tenacity in that endeavor, however am concerned about the fact that the assistance is off-balance, and only serving one sector of the community.

    However, let us keep in mind that store shelves have been scantily stocked and that most of the food that is delivered by barge, also grows here.

    Let it hereby be resolved that Maui County open the agricultural micro-grants as a much needed means to sustenance, thereby recognizing that Maui County supports the origins of sustainability and a certain degree of independence from the barge. Farmers will be contacting you later this week to hear when the date for the opening of Agricultural Micro-Grants begins. Farmers appreciate equality in economic empowerment, and are sure that Maui County supports the independence of its residents. Nobody wants to be stuck depending on an already strained state welfare benefit, and the state cannot afford such dependence.

    Thank you for reading my testimony and considering well-rounded solutions.

    Jennifer "Kahala" Chrupalyk