Meeting Time: September 08, 2020 at 1:30pm HST

Agenda Item


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    Minnie Fukuda 4 months ago

    I VOTE NO on Bill 131! Are you even kidding me? I have lived in Dream City for my whole life, try white vinegar for pest control or just detergent in a spray bottle. Minnie Fukuda

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    Kahala Mui over 4 years ago

    It is time to make the switch from degenerative industrialization to that of an environmentally sustainable model. With the introduction of new diseases, our damaged immune systems can no longer handle this type of chemical warfare that violates our will to live, by clear definition. That is an inherent right that every human should have. Cancer and other recent common illnesses are a direct result of the degenerative way of life that has been urbanizing our communities and detaching people from true health. We need the use of toxic ingredients to be banned from our limited means of sustainability on an island.

    Let it also be exposed to you that many of those plants that are sprayed away because they have been widely advertised as a pesky weed - actually have medicinal properties that are extremely beneficial to our way of life. We spray and kill akulikuli from our yards and sidewalks, then go buy it in a pot at Walmart for $7.99. Possible Solution: Why shouldnʻt the county think to invest in a farmer who does medicinals and create a whole new economy based from harvesting "weeds"? Now thereʻs a great idea for an economic boost! Many "weeds" are also great ground covers that protect our soils and the ocean from erosion.

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    Larry Stevens over 4 years ago

    I support the proposed bill to establish Chapter 2.50, Maui County Code.

    Herbicides/pesticides/fungicides disrupt coral maturation and reproduction. Synthetic fertilizers release nitrogen, which mixes with groundwater and flows into the ocean where it causes excessive algae growth that smothers corals.

    Safe alternatives to pesticides and synthetic fertilizers have already been proven to be effective on Maui, including at the Westin.

    Thank you for your leadership.

    Larry Stevens

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    Mark Hyde over 4 years ago

    South Maui Citizens for Responsible Growth supports passage of EACP-1 on the 9/8/20 committee agenda.


    Mark Hyde
    4320 E. Waiola Loop
    Kihei, Hawaii 96753
    (808) 874-3839